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Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Cognitive Change
No matter the cause, conditions that result in a change of mood, memory or the thinking process are especially tough. When these are associated with aging, we often call them “Alzheimer’s,” but in reality, Alzheimer’s is just one of many different...
Personal Care
People often take for granted the things they do every day, like climbing stairs, taking care of personal hygiene and even just getting out of bed in the morning. But these things can become major challenges as you age. In many cases, loved ones think...
5 Ways Dance Can Improve your Life
Many people like to dance because it is their passion. Others want to dance because they want to improve their life and want to feel happier and healthier. Here are 5 ways dance and the associated aerobic exercise can help improve your life. 1...
Alzheimer's and Women
Women are more likely to develop Alzheimer's than men. Researchers haven’t been able to fully explain this phenomenon. There are several theories. Some scientists have tried to find a relation between Alzheimer's and longevity. Aged people are more likely...
Can Sleep Prevent Alzheimer’s?
The toxic waste materials that get accumulated in the brain due to neural activity affect brain function and accelerate the aging process. By eliminating this toxic waste from the brain, we might be able to prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. Some...
What is Occupational Therapy and How Can it Help My Aging Loved One?
October is here and it’s Occupational Therapy Month in Canada. But what exactly is occupational therapy and how does it apply to you and your family? Occupational therapy is a type of health care that helps to minimize and prevent issues with a...
Fall Prevention for Seniors
Every year, one in three Canadian seniors will fall at least once. Hip fractures are the most common type of fall injury among seniors, and about 20 percent of injury-related deaths among seniors can be traced back to a fall. Weakened balance, vision...
New Traditions to Make With Your Loved One With Dementia
Christmas is a wonderful time of year. Not only is it time to reconnect with loved ones, but the season is full of sights, sounds, and smells that trigger memories and encourage friendly conversation. Many people who care for a loved one with dementia...
Work With Us
We are looking for people who are as driven as we are to improve the quality of life for those we serve. It’s an incredibly rewarding mission that our team is dedicated to achieving. Owners, support staff, caregivers and more all play key roles in...
Your Career as a Caregiver
Caregiving And COVID-19 Now, more than ever, it’s clear how essential caregivers really are. The people we serve rely on our caregivers, not just for companionship during a time of isolation, but also for assistance with their basic...