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Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Cognitive Change
No matter the cause, conditions that result in a change of mood, memory or the thinking process are especially tough. When these are associated with aging, we often call them “Alzheimer’s,” but in reality, Alzheimer’s is just one of many different...
Benefits of Short Term Live In Care
Family caregivers are integral to providing care in the home, but as many have found, looking after someone 24-7 can be demanding. Caregiver fatigue is a very real concern and can lead to full-blown burn-out with an inability...
Having Memory Problems? Here are 6 Reasons Why You Should Tell Your Doctor Now
We all know that some changes are a natural part of aging. You might find you need reading glasses to catch up on your News Feed. There’s a chance you’ll need to turn the TV volume up a few notches. There may even come a day when you trade in your...
Managing High Blood Pressure With In-Home Care
To most of us, blood pressure is a bit of a mystery. We go to the doctor, the doctor puts a cuff on our arm, inflates it, listens, and jots down a set of numbers. Then we're told that everything is fine—or, if we are getting older, more likely we are...
Caregiver Fatigue - Five Signs That You Need Personal Service Worker Assistance
Looking after an ailing loved one is a major responsibility, but one many of us are happy to accept. However, no matter how well you plan for these changes in your life, there is always the risk of taking on too much. If this happens, your health will...