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Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Cognitive Change
No matter the cause, conditions that result in a change of mood, memory or the thinking process are especially tough. When these are associated with aging, we often call them “Alzheimer’s,” but in reality, Alzheimer’s is just one of many different...
Fall Prevention for Seniors
Every year, one in three Canadian seniors will fall at least once. Hip fractures are the most common type of fall injury among seniors, and about 20 percent of injury-related deaths among seniors can be traced back to a fall. Weakened balance, vision...
Medical Professionals
You don’t stop caring for your patients when they leave your office or facility. You know their well-being is dependent upon following your prescribed care plan, but you worry that without some assistance they won’t be compliant. How do you ensure they...
Your Career as a Caregiver
Caregiving And COVID-19 Now, more than ever, it’s clear how essential caregivers really are. The people we serve rely on our caregivers, not just for companionship during a time of isolation, but also for assistance with their basic...
There is no single roadmap for the aging journey. Whether you are plotting a course for your own future, or you’re helping a loved one, chances are you will run into obstacles you hadn’t anticipated. For decades, families all over the world have trusted...
Supporting Loved Ones With Dementia or Cognitive Change
If your loved one has received a dementia diagnosis, there are professional resources that can help your entire family. Unlike traditional support programs, Right at Home’s...
About Us
It doesn’t matter if you’re here because you’re looking for help living independently, or if you want to make sure someone you love has the support they need to stay in their home. We believe there’s more to caring for people than just...
Care Facilities
Most seniors want to stay in the comfort of their home as they age, but we know that is not always possible. When adequate care can no longer be achieved at home, many families look to assisted living or other facilities for care. In addition to our in...
Technology Solutions for Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients
When it comes to technology, many older adults are skeptical about embracing it and uncomfortable learning how to use it. However, once seniors begin to use and integrate technology into their everyday lives, it can have a positive impact. Recent...
Adults With Disabilities
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26% of adults in the United States are living with some type of disability. And for many, a strong support system is essential. From mobility to cognition to vision and hearing issues, Right at...